2017年10月10日 星期二


By John Singleton* 


任何讀過相關著作的人將發現:衛斯理智慧的實用性─作為實踐或拿來引用都好。我在看到JohnT. Waddy 牧師的《MethodistRecorder 一書中,約翰衛斯理的諺語精選後,有此感想。
衛斯理的名言有三,於外在作為上他說:「世界即是我的教區」(“Ilook upon all the world as my parish.”)。於內在體驗中,他說:「我願單求了解聖經。」(“Letme be a man of one Book.”)。在去世前一天,他的凱歌:「有上帝同在是好得無比。」(“Thebest of all is God is with us.”)。這些話都常被引用,且被公認為衛理宗的格言。其實尚有其他語錄,值得同樣被重視。

衛斯理經常且強烈地表達他善用時間的態度。「基督徒痛恨懶惰,如同痛恨醉酒」(“AChristian abhors sloth as much as drunkenness,”)可說是他對此態度最強烈的表達。以下是他對同一主題的其他看法:「能把握現在努力以赴,就是一大成就」(“Itis a great thing to seize and improve the very now,”)。「每天都要重新倚靠上帝」(“You cannot live on what God did yesterday”),以及「作工越多,祝福越大」(“Themore labor the more blessing.”)

關於愛在基督徒美德中居首,他的寶貴註解如下:「一盎斯的愛,價值更勝一磅的知識」(“Anounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge,”),「即使不是愛得很有道理,也好過沒有愛的真理。」(Howfar is love, even with many wrong opinions, to be preferred before truth itselfwithout love"),還有:「光和熱的結合是多麼好!」(“Ofor heat and light united.”)

厭惡偏執是衛斯理人格的特色。他曾說:「要思考,也要尊重別人的思想。」(“Thinkand let think,”),以及「堅持己見與對基督的熱心是兩回事」(“Fervorfor opinions is not Christian zeal,”);「如果我們不能同樣去想,至少我們要同樣去愛」(“Ifwe cannot think alike, at least we may love alike”),「只有愛能帶出更多的愛」( “Can anything but love beget love?”)

衛斯理對人性的洞察及他對眾人的了解,成為他思想的另一特色。以下是一些具代表性的洞見:「人們通常只聽其言來判斷一個人」(“Menare generally inclined to think well of one that talks well,”) ,「好的動機並不保證有好的結果」(“Owhat mischief may be done by one that means well!”),以及「不要因那些對信仰一無所知的人,造成你對基督教的偏見。」(“Benot prejudiced against Christianity by those who know nothing at all of it.”)

衛斯理的著作中,處處可見自由派及善意的短句,顯示他通達、平衡且不偏執的心智。以下是一些具啟發性的例子。「喜悅或痛苦都在神的工作中,」(“Godcan do his work by pleasure as well as by pain,”)「要追求信仰中的喜悅」(“Aim at the cheerfulness of faith,”),及「不斷提醒別人滅亡的命運,等於事先宣佈了死刑」(“Continuallytelling people they are dead is the ready way to make them so,”) ,「沒有人能不靠恩典而活,生活的深度就在恩典的多寡。」(“Noman living is without some preventing grace, and every degree of grace is adegree of life,” ),「我愛出自每一處的真理」(“Ilove truth wherever I find it,”),「對我而言淺顯易見的事,不見得對別人也是如此。」(“Whatis as clear to me as the sun at noonday is not so clear to every one” ),以及「我曾因太嚴厲的論斷後悔,但從不後悔作出太仁慈的決定。」(“Ihave often repented of judging too severely, but very seldom of being toomerciful.”)

對約翰衛斯理的研究中,決不能缺少他對上帝毫無商榷的信仰。如「上帝的時辰總是最好的時辰」(“God'stime is always the best time”),及「上帝的呼召是為每個人所獨有的」(“WhateverGod calls us to He will fit us for.”)

衛斯理傳記的作者指出,在衛斯理50年間的旅行中,興旺及激動各地的人心,他本人卻有平靜的氣質。他的具體建議是:「確實的作好每件事」(“Beexact in everything,”) ,「作事不要匆忙」(“Giveeverything the last touch,”),「我雖然行事快速,但從不匆忙了事。」(“ThoughI am always in haste, I am never in a hurry”),以及「我考慮的只有責任,無所謂麻煩及他人的責難」(“Duty is all I consider – trouble and reproach I value not.”)

在他去世的前幾天,他寫信給英國衛理公會領袖AdamClarke:「作事不要一次貪多,你將能作更多事。」(“Doa little at a time that you may do the more”)
關於約翰衛斯理信仰的真誠及其實踐,有以下的話:「以罪換取安逸是不划算的交易」(“Easebought by sin is a dear purchase,”),「基督教絕非一個可以隱藏壓抑的信仰」(“Whateverreligion can be concealed is not Christianity,”),「聖靈的教導帶來立即的領悟」(“When the Holy Ghost teaches, there is no delay inlearning,”),「享用這個世界並享受上帝的同在」(“Usethe world and enjoy God”),以及「沒有永恆價值的事物有甚麼用?」(“Whatis the real value of a thing but the price it will bear in eternity?”)

我於此再提供一些衛斯理對一般事物的看法:「有許多道理是沒有必要知道的」(“Thereare many truths it is not worthwhile to know,” ),「不要扭曲別人的善意」(“Takenothing ill that is well meant,”),「要心存感謝地接受忠告或責難」(“Always take advice or reproof as a favor,”),「沒有人愛聽壞事,自然就沒有人愛說壞事」(“Ifthere were no hearers there would be no speakers of evil”),以及「要勇於認識自己」(“Benot afraid to know yourself.”)

如同其他偉大的領袖,衛斯理的聲音隨著他的時代的過去,而逐漸微弱。但對衛理會會友而言,這仍是個獨特的聲音,述說著他所事奉,無始無終的上帝衛斯理曾說:「福音自始至終其實是一個大應許」(“The Gospel is in truth but one great promise fromthe beginning of it to the end,”) ,「我們要作的是愛及順服──知識則保留至永恆的未來」(“Ourbusiness now is to love and obey – knowledge is reserved for eternity,” ),「竭力追求成聖的人,將在神國發現極大的快樂」(“Theythat bring most holiness to heaven will find most happiness there”)。他也說:「將你的心中充滿愛,只要充滿愛。」(“Letlove fill your heart, and it is enough.”)
